Ajax Based Live Data Availability check

Data availability using ajax: I was going for an interview where I had clear my first round and in the second round they had given me a form in this which lots of functionality with ajax validation of data in the database. So had stat my coding test and stuck at a point where I have to do this so I had searched about this and find the best solution. Actually this solution I have found in a contributed module called "Username check" but this module only works for username field on the registration form in Drupal but I have to use same functionality for other fields so I had added this functionality with my custom form to achieve my requirement. Here is the code for this.

First, create a custom module so go to your project directory->sites->all->modules here you have to create 2 folders named "Contrib" and "Custom".

Contrib: Where you put all contributed module in it.

Custom: Where you create all custom module in it.

In custom module create a folder called form_test2 and then "form_test2.info, form_test2.module, ajax_validation.inc and a form_test2.js (in js folder)" files in it. Now open form_test2.info file and put this code in it.

name = form test 2 
description = Custom form for client site validation. 
core = 7.x 
package = Custom 
files[] = form_test2.module 

Now Open the form_test2.module file and follow these steps 1. create menu path for custom form and JQuery data validation.

 *Implement hook_menu() 
function form_test2_menu() { 
  $items['formtest2'] = array( 
    'title' => 'Ajax check', 
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array('form_test2_form'), //call custom form 
    'access callback' => TRUE, 
    'type'=> MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 
  $items['formtest2/availability'] = array( 
    'page callback' => 'availibility_test', 
    'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 
    'file' => 'ajax_validation.inc', 
    'type'=> MENU_CALLBACK, 
  return $items; 

2. Now create a custom form with submit handler.

 *Implement hook_form() 
function form_test2_form($form,&$form_submit) { 
  _form_test2_load_resources(); //function return JS and set path to drupal behavior.
  $form['firstname'] = array( 
    '#title' => t('Firstname'), 
    '#type' => 'textfield', 
    '#required' => TRUE, 
    '#suffix' => '', 

  $form['lastname'] = array( 
    '#title' => t('Lastname'), 
    '#type' => 'textfield', 
    '#required' => TRUE, 
    '#maxlength' => 20, 

  $form['email'] = array( 
    '#title' => t('Email'), 
    '#type' => 'textfield', 
    '#required' => TRUE, 
  $form['submit'] = array( 
    '#value' => 'Submit', 
    '#type' => 'submit', 

   return $form; 

  //Submit handler to form_test2_form() function 
  function form_test2_form_submit($form,&$form_submit) { 
    drupal_set_message("hello", "warning"); 

//add JS and set path to Drupal behavior 
function _form_test2_load_resources() { 
  $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'form_test2'); 
  drupal_add_js($module_path . '/js/form_test2.js', array('weight'=>1001, 'scope'=>'footer')); 
  drupal_add_js(array( 'usernameCheck' => array( 
  'ajaxUrl' => url('formtest2/availability', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 
  ), 'setting'); 

From the above code, we are using a drupal_add_js function in which we are adding custom path "formtest2/availability" to js Drupal behavior. On this path, we have called an ajax_validation.inc file to call "availibility_test" function which we already mention this to our form_test2_menu function. Later we will use this variable in our js file.

drupal_add_js(array( 'usernameCheck' => array( 
  'ajaxUrl' => url('formtest2/availability', array('absolute' => TRUE)),
), 'setting'); 

3. Now create a folder called JS in your module folder and create a custom JS file called form_test2.js in it for validation handler and put this code in it.

(function($) { 
  $("#edit-firstname").blur(function() { 
    //remove all the class add the messagebox classes and start fading 
    //check the username exists or not from ajax 
    $.post(Drupal.settings.dataCheck.ajaxUrl,{ user_name:$(this).val() } ,function(data){ 
      //if username not avaiable 
      $("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() { 
      //start fading the messagebox 
      //add message and change the class of the box and start fading 
     $(this).html('This User name Already exists').addClass('messageboxerror').fadeTo(900,1); 
  } else{ 
    //start fading the messagebox 
    //add message and change the class of the box and start fading 
    $(this).html('Username available to register').addClass('messageboxok').fadeTo(900,1); 

4. Now create custom .inc file called ajax_validation.inc which will return data called by ajax validation function.

function availibility_test(){ 
  if(isset($_POST['user_name'])) { 
    $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user_name']); 
    if(!empty($username)) { 
      $result = db_select('users','u') 
      ->fields('u', array()) 
      ->condition('name', $username, '=') 
     if($result->name) { 
       echo 'no'; 
     } else{ 
       echo 'yes'; 